Sunday, November 20, 2011


We signed Austin and Christian up for wrestling this fall/winter.  Its a bit of an experiment/adventure for us since we have no experience with this sport.  We got into this mostly to give the boys some outlet for their energy with the cold weather and dark nights preventing us from playing outside.  We have been going to practices for a month now and had our first tournament this last Saturday.  It was a little crazy.  The boys are still learning what you have to do to win a match.  I had to take the boys to the tournament by myself.  With Ezra.  It was about 45 min away and it lasts all day.  Each of the boys had 3 matches at the tournament.  Christian came close to winning his second match.  The others weren't even close.  Some of the kids my boys were wrestling against had 4-6 years experience.  It was kind of hard to see them lose.  Austin did win his last match so that helped all of us feel a little better.  At this point we are not sure if this is a chance for them to grow and learn some life lessons about not always winning, or if it is just too hard to come into a sport like this.  It became obvious to me at the tournament that my kids are a little behind even at the ages of 6 and 9 because they are so new to this sport.  Its pretty personal to lose when it is one on one like these matches are and you put every ounce of your strength and energy into the wrestling and still could end up pinned on the mat.  When we left the tournament I was about 50/50 feeling like we needed to just quit.  Today I feel  a little more positive about it because it is nice to have the practice time where the boys can exercise and make friends and learn a new skill.  There is a tournament this next Saturday for just first and second year wrestlers so we are going to give that a try.  Tim will be able to come too so it should be a more positive experience for all of us.  I hope!

Wearing these singlets is a new experience for my kids!

Austin is pinning Christian during warm up time.

Christian is still such a happy kid - no matter what happens. 

Austin is fierce and always ready to try to get the first take-down.

I do have to say this tournament was the first place in my life I have ever seen a shorter line in the women's restroom than the men's.  I was also thinking how this truly is a men's sport.  Can you imagine women participating in a sport where they write your weight on your arm in black marker for everyone to see?  and your age?

1 comment:

  1. This cracked me up!! Love the weight and the age on the arm. CLASSIC!! Hope you are doing well.
