Friday, May 24, 2013

Preschool Graduation

Ezra graduated from preschool last week!  It was a very sweet program.  They sang a lot of songs they had learned, several Bible songs and some about days of the week, months of the year, etc.  It was a very special time to celebrate our sweet boy and his accomplishments.  Hard to believe he is now approaching kindergarten!

 His teacher, Miss Marilou.

Each child received a Bible from their teachers.  They all immediately started looking at them on stage and the teacher had a hard time getting them to sing the last song because they were all so engrossed in their Bibles.  That was one of my favorite moments of the night.

His best friend from class, Jenna, who also attends our church.


  1. Oh my word! I think I have a photo of you with that exact same look as Austin a few photos up!!! He is a mini-me (well, you!)!!!

  2. Oops- I think I used the wrong name! Christian?!

  3. Liz! Loving your bobbed hair! I love keeping up with your family via your updates. wish we could get together more easily....
