We got to enjoy a beautiful day at the fair this year (mid-September). We discovered some new things we hadn't done before and got to go back to some of our favorite activities too. One of my favorite things at the fair is the mutton bustin'. We thought Christian was too old for it, but found out that he and Ezra both could participate. Austin was wishing he could do it too but he was a good sport about supporting his brothers. 
If you don't know, mutton bustin' is a kid version of a rodeo where the kids are trying to stay on a sheep for 6 seconds as it runs across the arena.
When it was Ezra's turn he did get on the sheep and was holding with his arms around the sheep in the right place but he did not have a good hold on the wool so the workers lifted him right off as soon as he took off to prevent a big crash.
This is the beginning (below) of Christian's ride. He stayed on almost the whole 6 seconds and made it almost the whole way across the arena. For at least half his ride he was hanging on sideways on the sheep!
Christian won 2nd place and a nice medal as an award.
Fun on the rides...
There was a new rainforest exhibit that was surprisingly cool. Lots of really neat decorations and animals.
Anyone that wanted to try could hold this scorpion. Not me!! It is alive but apparently not venomous.
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