Monday, November 19, 2012


I haven't posted in a while...I think its because I don't feel like there is that much to report that is exciting.  We finished soccer and are now in a bit of a lull for activities, which is nice.  When it isn't raining hard we have been playing in the backyard still.  Ezra loves to climb this tree and shake it and make a "leaf shower".  Our hummingbirds are coming back to our feeder now that a frost killed off a lot of flowers. 
We did trick or treat.  It was a fun year for it.  Ezra was not shy and could keep up with the older kids better.  They really went for it!  We went to some friends' neighborhood and went around with them, so it was a pretty good sized group. 

This is a picture of the part of the door to our van that locks the door closed.  Christian thought it would be interesting to put a dry erase marker in it and we had to take the piece off the van in order to get it out.  It fit quite snugly.  Needless to say the marker did not survive the experience.

A recent trip to the reptile zoo. 

This cutie has been asking for his hair to be put in a mohawk recently...

This is a HILARIOUS book Austin brought home a recommendation for from school.  We got it from the library and I read it too.  And laughed my head off.  It is all about a family of 6 boys and their experiences growing up.  A must-read for any mother of boys!  Its by Jon Scieszka.