We arrived in Michigan Aug 4 and have been busy trying to fit in all the things we like to do out here. For anyone I might have mentioned this to, we did get a good thunderstorm this weekend! I was hoping for a good one during our trip. We just don't get them back home! One of the highlights for the kids is riding the lawnmower with grandpa. C and A were enjoying running behind and "attacking" with foam swords.
We celebrated C's 6th birthday with a Star Wars cake and lots of relatives. Thanks to you all for coming over and making it a special day for our sweet boy.
My dad likes to take the boys fishing. They go out to the compost pile in the yard and find lots of worms.
We also found this great toad. He had burrowed himself about a foot down in the compost pile. What a find!
One of my favorite places on earth, the beach at South Haven...
...which is also home to some of the best ice cream on earth, at Shermans.
We got to spend one night with my aunt and uncle and visit another aunt, and make donuts!
This is the city pool in GR near another aunt's house. We have been blessed with perfect weather and way too much fun. I enjoy swimming too. Ezra went down the waterslide with me about 15 times. I'm not sure I'll have the courage to go down alone someday when he's too big to want me to go with him! My mom went down though and we were all very proud of her!
A and C got to take a horse riding lesson at the ranch where Aunt E rides every week. They came away from it saying we now need to buy a horse (they were sure we could keep it in the dog pen in our back yard!)
It has definately felt like we are on vacation. My mom has given me a nice break from cooking and there's not much cleaning that has to be done, since we are outside so much. What a blessing. We are all going to go through a little culture shock when we have to go back to our normal routines at home. We have really missed Tim though and look forward to picking him up from the airport tomorrow night!